
45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump has won the 2024 Presidential Election to become the 47th President and serving a 2nd Term. In an historic win, President Trump won both the Electoral College with 312 Votes, to Harris’ 226 votes in a landslide victory. But what is even more astounding is that he swept all seven battleground states and won the nation’s largest popular vote ever by a Republican.

According to the Associated Press, as of November, 10, 2024, 5 days after the election, President-Elect Trump has received over 74,650,000 popular votes, showing a full 5 Point lead over Harris’ 70,900,000 votes. There are an estimated 5 million of votes still left uncounted in California, Alaska, Arizona, Maryland, Oregon and Utah with a large majority of those remaining votes projected to be added to Trump’s overwhelming win over Harris. In a recent article on NPR.org by Domenico Montanaro, he stated: “What happened in the 2024 election was a political earthquake. Former President Trump not only won in the Electoral College, but he won so big that he expanded his coalition with historic demographic shifts”.

All across this great nation, hard-working Conservative Americans have spoken at the ballot box by not only overwhelmingly voting in a Conservative and Patriotic Businessman back into office, but voting to win the majority of the Congress as well. As of November 10, 2024 there are 53 Republican Senate seats to the democrats 46 seats and 213 Republican seats in the House of Representatives (projected to win the 218 needed for the majority) to the democrats 203; giving President Trump a clear path to bringing back America to its former glory. During President Trump’s second term, our nation will celebrate our 250 year anniversary and what better way to honor our founding fathers and our Constitution than by fighting back in this election and saving America from tyranny.

President Trump and his loyal family and friends have reformed the Republican Party, bringing in individuals who truly represent the will of the people and who will not bow down to the liberal hierarchy. You either stand with the majority of everyday Americans with Conservative morals and values or get out of the way. The American people are tired of dealing with these socialist and destructive democrats in office, as well as the soft, egotistical Republican politicians who fought against President Trump in his first term in office. The American people are giving these newly elected Republican representatives in Congress another chance to support President Trump and have sent a clear message of what they want and expect. Listen up Republican representatives, no more playing politics or getting a free ride, simply do your job and represent the will of the people and support President Trump, the man that we the American people voted back into office.

Since 2015 President Trump has been the target of the socialist liberals who have underestimated him at every turn. During his first term in office in 2016, they tried every crooked trick imaginable from attempted impeachment to lawsuit after lawsuit. During these past four years, the Biden/Harris Administration has weaponized the Department of Justice, FBI and CIA to do their dirty work in an effort to stop President Trump from running again in 2024. Never before in American history has such a blatant and illegal effort been used to stop a political opponent and anyone who supports him. They have enlisted liberal judges and prosecutors, crooked liberal politicians and their offices, the liberal and fake media, liberal colleges and institutions, liberal corporations and billionaires, and even empowered our enemies like Iran with billions of dollars in American tax dollars, to stop President Trump and the American people. From lies, to lawsuits and even two assassination attempts, these evil top 1% liberal socialists will stop at nothing to accomplish their agenda of a socialist, marxist new world order that controls everything in our lives and destroys our Constitution, Democracy and Freedoms.

The fact is that the American people saw right through the lies, deceit and injustice, and have spoken loudly telling the far left socialists that “we the people” do not want a government run socialist country and will no longer be intimidated by these evil politicians, media and corporations. For the last four years, the world has awakened to the corruption and systematic destruction of America and the now the fighting spirit of the American people have said “no more!” No more will your woke, power hungry agenda be tolerated, we are taking our Country back and the world will be a safer and more prosperous place because of the American people and President Donald J. Trump. God has saved President Donald J. Trump and our Country, and now it is up to us to keep fighting this evil and rebuild our Nation.