Illegal Immigrant Criminals Deported

A Grateful Nation Thanks President Trump


America is a grateful nation as President Trump begins deporting the millions of criminal illegal immigrants who have poured into this Country over the last four years under the Biden Administration’s open border policies in direct and illegal defiance to our immigration laws. Biden and his liberal democrat officials are directly responsible for the illegal entry of over 20 million illegal and criminal immigrants and terrorists, as well as tying the hands of our State leaders, Border Patrol, Police and Military with the implementation of the illegal “Catch and Release” policy which has been catastrophic to our Nation.

On day one, President Trump declared a national emergency at the border and ordered the military to help expand detention space and help transport migrants. White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt stated that President Trump has directed the Department of Defense to make homeland security a core mission of the agency and Border Patrol officers have been barred from releasing illegal migrants into the country, forcing them to hold and deport border crossers.

On President Trump’s second day in office, he sent 1500 Military troops, helicopter crews, and intelligence analysts to the border as well as ordering the multi-agency effort, overseen by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Federal Officers, to sweep through mostly sanctuary cities like Boston, Denver, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Seattle, Washington, DC and Miami, arresting 308 illegal criminal illegal immigrants for deportation. These arrests included such illegal immigrant criminals as: a Child molester and attempted murderer, a violent Haitian gang member with 18 arrests, an El-Salvadorian sex offender, several Venezuelan gang members, and six Guatemalans committing crimes of child abuse, battery, fraud, DWI, trespassing and vandalism.

President Trump stated that the "Members of the savage Venezuelan prison gang known as Tren de Aragua [was] formed in prison, and then [Venezuela] dumped their prisons into our country. They're as bad as the bloodthirsty MS-13 gangs."

On January 24, 2025, ICE reported arresting an additional 593 Illegal Immigrant criminals in the mass-deportation offensive which also expanded into Los Angeles the following day with pre-dawn roundups, as part of a West Coast operation expected to run seven days a week. It was also reported that the department would be conducting a military airlift to deport more than 5,000 people detained by Customs and Border Protection in San Diego, Calif., and El Paso, Texas. In addition to the 1500 military troops sent to reinforce the 2,200 active-duty soldiers and thousands of state national guardsmen already there, President Trump is preparing to send an additional 10,000 troops to the border as part of his order to secure our Nation’s borders.

“ICE is doing their job,” Border Czar Tom Homan told Fox News on Wednesday. “So, they’re out there right now looking for the most serious public safety threats and throughout the country, we’re putting them back to work,” Homan said of ICE.

Another Trump administration spokesperson stated, “This is something President Trump campaigned on. The American people have been waiting for such a time as this, for our Department of Defense to actually take homeland security seriously. This is a number one priority of the American people and the president has already delivered.”

"Throughout this week, the heroes of ICE have been hunting down and arresting hundreds of illegal alien criminals, and its immediate expulsion, including those with charges of convictions for rape, child sexual assault, terrorism and even murder," President Donald Trump said during a speech in Las Vegas on January 25, 2025, just 5 days after taking the Oath of Office.

Americans have seen firsthand the massive decline of our Country and the thousands of reported human trafficking, assaults, rapes, and horrendous murders by these violent illegal immigrant criminals and drug cartels. There are thousands and thousands of these crimes that continue to go unreported by the socialist liberal networks who want you to believe that the border is secure and everything is great. But what is also heartbreaking is the over 300,000 illegal immigrant children that have completely vanished under Biden’s watch and are most likely into the hands of human traffickers and sex offenders. Biden has done nothing to find or help them. So where is the outrage from the democrats and where have these socialist democrats been the last four years for these helpless and vulnerable children? They would rather let murders and sex traffickers out of jail to do more harm to these innocent children rather than to find and save them. Compassionate? Absolutely not!

The democrat socialist marxists have continued to lie over and over and over again to the American Public, thinking we are stupid and do not see what they’re trying to do or we’re afraid to say something; and all under the guise of helping these poor people who “just want a better life in America”. Well that is true for most all of the immigrants who apply for legal entry into this Country and wait for years to enter and become a contributing and patriotic citizen of this Country. If you enter the United States of America illegally and without due process, you’re breaking the law and do not have the right to become an American Citizen. Plain and simple. We are a nation of laws and without our laws we will become a socialist, tyrannical, third world country and our sovereignty will be gone.

Liberals spent BILLIONS of tax payer dollars providing luxury hotel rooms, cell phones and debit cards to these illegal immigrants while Americans in desperate need of help from the government go without. For the last four years, Biden has released all illegal immigrants into the Country without any vetting or accountability of who they are and where they come from. The worst part is that he ordered the release of these violent criminals and even terrorists on the terrorist watch list as well, with no accountability or punishment or deportation for the crimes they committed in America or what they may be planning on an terrorist attack on American soil. Biden and the other socialist democrats in power have chosen to deliberately break our immigration laws and punish anyone who opposes these actions as well as their socialist world order agenda.

These marxist liberal democrats are deliberately trying to destroy this Country from within. It’s Insanity! Yes, anyone with any common sense and a sense of right and wrong agrees that it’s insanity, unless you are of course a socialist Democrat and one of their ignorant, blind sheep being brainwashed to believe these lies. But this is what they want and any normal person asks himself, “Why?” It’s very simple. It’s all about power, control and money. The liberals want to control us in every aspect of our lives, whether it be locked down due to rampant crime or a lab-created virus, or canceled and penalized by using the law illegally against its citizens for speaking out at a School Board meeting protesting the perverted books being taught to our children; or using the IRS to come after you for a social media post against their agenda, and on and on and on it goes. This purely evil 50 year plan by the socialist democrat leaders and billionaire backers has been in place and slowly implemented in every aspect of our lives for many years now and with the courage of our new President and the American people, it will all end.

Thank God we have someone in power who can save this Country, but we have to do our part as well. We need to stand up and say NO MORE! NO MORE Open Boarders, NO MORE not enforcing our laws against criminals, NO MORE DEI crap, NO MORE Woke bullshit, NO MORE letting the socialist democrats use the Justice System against those who oppose their socialist ideology, NO MORE breaking the law without accountability by socialist democrats, NO MORE cancelling free speech by those opposing their sick ideologies, NO MORE cancelling God in our Country, Government and Schools, NO MORE LBGTQ, Transgender bullshit, NO MORE using our Educational system to force feed our children and society their perverted ideology. No one cares what your sexual preference is or what race or creed you are, but we are no longer going to be forced to accept the sick and perverted ideology by a handful of loudmouth and mentally ill individuals. The crazies are no longer in control!

President Trump is only one man and he needs our help across the entire Nation, so have the courage to STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG. Even though you may not agree with everything President Trump does or says, be loyal, steadfast and always have his back because no one is perfect and he is absolutely the best man to save our Country and Make America Great Again!