Candace Owens
"I Like To Say Now, That The Reason I’m Conservative Is Because, I Used To Be A Liberal, And I Learned A Lot"

Candace Owens-Farmer is a renown Conservative Commentator, Best Selling Author and Political Activist; who is featured on her podcast ‘Candace’ on The Daily Wire. An excerpt from the states, “If you know Candace, you know what she stands for: family values, hard work & the rejection of victim mentality. Where did these ideas come from? The answer is simple, her Granddad. In loving memory of the remarkable man who lived as a shining example of the American dream, Candace reflects on the role her Granddad played in her life and how he helped her find her voice.”
Candace Amber Owens was born on April 29, 1989, and grew up in Stamford, Connecticut and at the age of 12 spent some time living with her grandparents. Candace reflects on how her grandparents had a huge effect on how she viewed the world, and how they were such a wonderful example of love, kindness and hard work. Candace’s Grandfather, was born in North Carolina and her Grandmother was born in Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. After graduating from Stamford High School, Candace went on to major in Journalism and attended the University of Rhode Island. Shortly after being accredited as a junior during her studies, she decided to pursue her professional career and accepted an Internship in New York with Vogue Magazine. Following the internship, Candace accepted an Administrative Assistant position with an equity firm in Manhattan; where she later received a promotion to become Vice President of Administration.
Candace Owens wasn’t always a Conservative, and like many black Americans who consider themselves liberal Democrats; she became painfully aware of what the Democratic party truly stands for and how they are responsible for perpetuating victimhood, government dependency, racism and miseducation on the black community. In 2016, Candace was working with the ‘Social Autopsy’ website, which claimed to provide a search database for information on individuals and companies. Many claimed this was an invasion of privacy, that would provide those with ill intent to access private information on an individual through this format. In fact, Candace’s personal information was accessed and she received several racist threats. According to Candace in her own words, during an Interview on The Rubin Report in 2018, she said, “I became a Conservative overnight. I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls.” For those who question her commitment to her black heritage, should look at not only her logic and support of the Black community, but her personal experiences as well. In 2017, Candace Owens posted her first political video on you tube known as ‘Given A Million Chances’ which received immediate recognitions and thrust her into the forefront. Candace then began her mission to bring the truth to the black community, about how the liberal socialist Democratic party actually promotes racism and a false narrative, because they want permanent victimhood for all black Americans. In an effort to help the black community become more informed, Candace became one of the driving forces behind ‘BLEXIT’ which supports and encourages black voters to leave the Democratic Party. In a 2018 Fox News interview, Candace stated, “BLEXIT is a Renaissance. BLEXIT is the black exit from the Democratic Party. It’s the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America.”
Candace Owens has not only become a prominent voice for black Americans, but for Conservatives of all races as well. Candace became a spokesperson for Turning Point USA for over two years as its Communications Director, until she became a prominent figure on her own Podcast featured at: With millions of viewers on her podcast and over 3million Facebook followers, Candace has become a well reknown voice for Conservative values, morals and justice for all Americans in every race, color and creed.
Despite the left-wing socialist machine that has tried to “cancel” her book by calling her racist, Candace Owens’ new best-selling book entitled ‘BLACKOUT – HOW BLACK AMERICA CAN MAKE ITS SECOND ESCAPE FROM THE DEMOCRAT PLANTATION’ is doing very well. Typical Democrat playbook. If a Conservative speaks out against their socialist ideology and abuse of power, by revealing the truth about what the Democrat party is doing to harm not only the black community but our entire Nation, they are immediately attacked and called “racist.” In an interview with the New York Times, Candace talks about how Democrats have actually hurt the black community and stated, “Black Americans have long been shackled to the Democrats.” She goes on to say, that it’s time for a major black exodus from the Democrat party, expressing the fact that liberal Democrats have a long history of racism in our Country, and that they dismiss the faith of the black community.
Candace Owens has featured on her podcasts, many vital issues facing our Country today and how the Biden administration and the left are systematically destroying America. Some excerpts from the synopses featured on her podcast page state the following:
- Will our children know freedom? They are growing up masked, censored and even segregated. Medical segregation is the new civil rights issue. The unvaccinated are being targeted, while our children are being pitched pornography and gender confusion.
- The Taliban takes over Afghanistan and the attacks on our freedom are coming from within. 7 months into the Joe Biden Administration and the United States is viewed as a crumbling joke. While Biden and his DOJ focus on Covid-19 and “domestic terrorism”, our country is deteriorating.
- What is happening in Australia, under the guise of a virus, is complete and total government overreach; the kind that gives birth to evil dictatorships and mass atrocities. Pay attention, because we are all in the midst of an ideological global war.
Candace Owens is a black American Conservative, who has the courage to speak the truthful facts about how the left socialist Democrats have truly harmed the black community throughout history, as well as their agenda to completely destroy America. Here are some of her most important and relevant statements:
- “FACT: Black Lives Matter riots have destroyed more innocent black lives in the last month, than white officers have in a decade.”
- “White liberals hate black Conservatives because we don’t see ourselves as oppressed. Fundamentally…we view ourselves as their equals. That’s the issue.”
- “I believe the black community can do it without handouts. I believe the left has strapped us to our past to prevent us from our future. I won’t stop fighting until all black Americans see that. I’M NOT FAR RIGHT. I’M FREE.”
- “We learn our history WRONG. We learn that LBJ was the greatest president for black America, and that couldn’t be more FALSE. What he did, essentially, was enslave us to the Democratic party with the Great Society Act.”
- “There are millions of black people who wake up every day and do the right thing. We do not riot. We do not loot. We do not do drugs. We do not disrespect law enforcement. We are tired of having our image tainted by the radical leftist anarchist black lives matter movement.”
- “America is not a racist Country. Anyone claiming otherwise, has a vested interest in keeping us divided. The easiest way to maintain power over any group is to keep those within it at war with one another.”
- “To the people who fly private, but lecture us about the environment. To the people who live in gated communities, but lecture us about building walls. To the people who travel with armed guards and lecture us about guns…Your bottomless hypocrisy is why America chooses Trump.”
- “We need to stop calling them liberals and begin referring to them as exactly what they are: AMERICAN COMMUNISTS that wish to partake in the DESTRUCTION OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION.”
On an appearance of Sunday Morning Futures, Candace Owens was quoted as saying, “This is why I say to parents over and over and over again, the time is now. Remove your children from these indoctrination camps. They are not learning to be smart. They’re not focused on hard academics. They are being brainwashed and systematically controlled. And what they want to produce, by the way, are failures because it guarantees them that they will have children that grow up to be adults are dependent on the government, and a totalitarian government that’s focused on Marxist principles needs people that are dependent upon them. That is what is happening right now in this country.”
As a true and proud DEFENDER OF AMERICA, Candace Owens expresses her Conservative principles on her website at, and states that, “Choosing to think has been one of the most transformative secrets of my life. It’s brought me closer to others and has opened the world up to me in a way that I never knew was possible. I believe if we can turn the dial on the way people view themselves, we can change the world instantly – for the better. About me: I am a fighter. And right now, I’m fighting for the heart and soul of a country I love.