Election Integrity And Security
“What Conservatives Must Do”

The security of our elections is under siege and nothing has been more important in our Country’s History, than to protect our free and fair election process. If our Country does not maintain Election Integrity, we will lose all our Freedoms and Liberty. Americans will no longer be in control of the government and their lives, and our Nation will undoubtedly become a socialist, government run dictatorship.
There are many opinions on both sides of the isle, as to whether or not there were criminal actions on the part of the Democrat Party, to change the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election. Any political party or U.S. Citizen, has the right to challenge the legitimacy of an election and question any suspicious activity, but unfortunately, Conservatives of all walks of life were immediately shut down and ‘cancelled’ when these legal challenges were raised. This is not the way America works. There have always been illegal actions in some of our smaller, local elections in a few key States, which our Country has always been able to overcome and correct; but nothing to the extent of what was witnessed by the entire world in 2020. Whether you believe the 2020 Election was stolen or not, there are clear facts and evidence that one must consider when making that decision. One of the most apparent and clear abuses of voter fraud being reported, is that there were well over 4 million more votes recorded, than there were people who cast legitimate votes. The numbers just don’t add up. More votes than people? As reported on teapartypac.org, regarding the 2020 Data from the United States Census Bureau, (a non-partisan government reporting agency), “The results of the census are also pointing to the 2020 election being fraudulent…According to the US Census Bureau’s results from the 2020 Census, there are obvious discrepancies with the results of the 2020 Election.” The United States Census Bureau, is a non-partisan government agency where data can be accessed by the public at census.gov; reported that the recorded number of people voting in 2020 was tallied at 154,628,000 but the official number of ballots cast in the election are just more than 158 million. That’s nearly 4 million more counted ballots than people who actually voted. The Article continued, “The government collects data on citizens who self-report, as having previously voted in presidential elections. The data that has been collected just doesn’t seem to support the results of the 2020 election and presents an unusual anomaly. Lawyer Robert Barnes told pollster Richard Baris during an interview on ‘Inside the Numbers’ that, historically, the Census tends to pin on the nose the recorded vote numbers with the actual results. In layman’s terms, the two data sets have historically matched spot on. It should come as no surprise that the numbers from 2020 aren’t lining up’. All logic defies a Joe Biden win in 2020 and the evidence has been overwhelming, despite the mainstream media’s lies that the evidence doesn’t exist. The numbers just don’t lie and when they do, it’s an obvious sign of something being very wrong. Now we have the US Census pointing to a fraudulent election. When are state legislatures going to wake up and do their jobs? It’s time for the fraud and corruption in the 2020 election to be exposed.”
In late 2020 and into 2021, several cases citing Voter Fraud, illegal alterations of State systemic processes, and illegal computer system manipulations in the 2020 Presidential Election, were filed by a multitude of States, Attorney Generals, Governors, and U.S. Citizens throughout the Nation, but all of them were immediately dismissed by lower Court Liberal Judges. When any of these cases were appealed to the United States Supreme Court, ‘SCOTUS’ refused to hear the cases. Many legal scholars and millions of U.S. Citizens were shocked by the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear any of the cases on such an important issue, as substantiated by the sheer number of lawsuits filed and witnesses that came forward.
If the Democrats believe so strongly that there was no criminal activity in the 2020 Election and Biden won the election, then why are they trying so desperately to completely change the rules of our free and fair elections while they are still in power? The Democrats are continuing their plans to stay in power, and ensure that their socialist agenda for government control succeeds. The following are just a few of the major issues Americans face from the Democrat regime:
- Democrats continue their efforts to pass permanent Federal Legislation to federalize our elections and override the individual power of the States’ to run their own elections as they choose. Our Constitution protects against this Federal government over-reach and yet, the Democrats attempted to pass H.R.1 which failed; and more recently their procedural vote on H.R.4, (John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act) failed to pass as well, and is best explained by the Center To Protect Voters & Their Voices as: “The bill’s biggest aim is to revive part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), which forced certain states and localities to get federal “preclearance” before altering election rules,” (which was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2013). Republicans are barely holding the line in Congress and we must make our voices heard in 2022 by electing a majority of Conservative, Constitutional and Patriotic Republicans, who stand for Freedom and the preservation of our Country.
- Democrats continue their efforts to provide a permanent election insurrection by granting amnesty to over 11 Million illegal immigrants already in our Country as well as expanding a pathway to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants who continue to flood across our southern border with Biden’s open-border policy. This plan is to create a permanent socialist, Democrat majority and overthrow our electorate. Additionally, Biden is making plans to compensate many illegal immigrants with payments of $450,000 each person and up to $1 million per family, plus Free Healthcare, Free Education and much more. Additionally, the Democrats have been pushing their efforts through liberal Judges to not prosecute criminals, require no bail and release them from prison, and they want these same convicted criminals to regain their right to vote.
- Democrats continue their efforts to make Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico States to ensure more of their socialist Democrat control and power. As stated on TheFederalist.com by Inez Feltscher Stepman, “The Founders wrote in Washington DC’s special status to protect the other states, and American citizens, from federal overreach. We still need that protection…The Constitution specifically grants Congress the power to “exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may… become the seat of the government of the United States. The Founders intended for the capital of the newly created United States, to be a neutral ground for co-equal sovereign states to come together to transact the nation’s business. At the time, state governments were much more powerful than they are today, so a worry about placing the capital within a state was that the state might exercise unfair influence or pressure on the federal government. Today, with the expanded powers of the federal government vis-à-vis the states, the inappropriate influence has the potential to go both ways. Granting DC statehood would put the other 50 states (perhaps minus Virginia and Maryland) at a distinct disadvantage when looking to influence federal policy, grants, and regulation.”
- Democrats continue to fight against Voter ID Laws passed by over a majority of States. What is their reasoning? It’s simple, they want anyone and everyone, legal U.S. Citizen or not to vote Democrat, and feel they no longer have to answer to Americans for their actions. Law abiding U.S. Citizens are required to show an ID for everything in life, and now the government wants us to show proof of Vaccination or else loose our freedoms; and yet they conveniently do not want to follow State rules that a legitimate U.S. Citizen must show an ID.
In a Rasmussen Poll taken in March of 2021, 75% of Americans polled, overwhelming support Voter ID Laws as stated on rasmussenreports.com, “As the U.S. Senate considers legislation that would revamp America’s election laws, voters still overwhelmingly support laws requiring that voters show identification before casting a ballot…Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 75% of Likely U.S. Voters believe voters should be required to show photo identification such as a driver’s license before being allowed to vote. Only 21% are opposed to such a requirement. Thirty-six states have enacted some form of voter ID law, but those laws would be nullified if the Senate approves H.R. 1, which passed the House on a party-line vote. Critics say H.R. 1 “would force states to allow anyone to vote who simply signs a form saying that they are who they claim they are.” Both H.R. 1 and H.R 4 failed to pass.
What must Conservatives do to protect America’s Elections and our Liberties?
- First and foremost, Register To Vote and be sure to Vote early and in person on Election Day in 2024. Be sure to do your research and Vote for the Conservative Candidate you believe stands for America, but more importantly, Vote for the Conservative Candidate that has the best chance to win against the socialist Democrat candidate. Even if that Conservative Candidate may not be your first choice, remember, this is all about Saving America and we can only do that one step at a time.
- Become involved and fight against any State or Federal Legislation that will change the safeguards that are in place to ensure a free and fair election process. Fight to stop your State or the Federal government from removing Signature Verification, or the right to Vote exclusively for United States Citizens. Make sure your State and your County Board of Elections enacts rules that states Election Day ONE day for voting, and that all in person Votes and approved Absentee Ballots must be counted within 24 hours of the election, and that Absentee ballots require stringent restrictions and signature and social security verification. Also, be aware and question your State’s redrawing of Voting districts and do not allow any government overreach that requires Federal approval for this action such as attempted by the Democrats and H.R.4. Start petitions and voice your objections to your State Representatives in Congress, even if you live in a predominately blue socialist state. One person can make a difference, so don’t give up fighting.
- Demand accountability and transparency from your County Board of Elections to ensure an accurate Voter registration database.
- Volunteer as a Poll Watcher and demand accountability and transparency for equal amount of representation for Conservatives, ESPECIALLY in a blue socialist Democrat state. Organize a Conservative group with Conservative legal representation to require proof of equal representation.
- Poll Watcher Safeguards and Back-Up Safeguards MUST be in place in 2024. Demand the County Board of Elections put in regulations for Conservative Poll Workers to be present at all times when votes are being counted and allowed to be within inches of the ballots they are viewing and have access to hold any ballot in their hand and question it’s validity. Also, demand that any questionable ballot be set aside and not counted until a consensus of equally representatives can agree on it’s validity. If an agreement cannot be made the ballot must be discarded.
- Because Conservative Poll watchers were forced out of Democrat run Districts in crucial swing states, and refused reasonable access to observe and question ballot and signature verification, it is imperative that Republican Conservatives put in place safeguards and back up safeguards to protect 2024 elections or this will happen again. Everyone should ask themselves….In the 2020 Election, how did the local government allow these poll workers to be expelled and denied their right to observe; and then hundreds of thousands of Democrat ballots magically appear at 3-4am in the morning completely turning the election upside down? How were ballots of dead people allowed to be counted? How were ballots for the Republican candidate discarded or not counted, while at the same time Democrat ballots were counted three and four times? One thing that is really important to note is that even though Republican Attorneys went before Judges to get legal access for the Poll Watchers, they were refused entry or access and in some cases, physically removed by local police, security guards and Board Workers who actually count the votes. Additionally, when some of the Republican Poll Watchers were actually allowed back in, they were placed behind a barrier which was up to 20 feet away where they could view or verify any of the ballots being counted. How could this be allowed to happen in America? Well, this is one of the most important issues Conservatives face in the upcoming Elections and there must be additional and back-up safeguards in place to make sure this is not allowed to happen again. Creative, out of the box thinking in this aspect is crucial and must be done and in place well in advance of the elections.
- Some Out of the box thinking might include:
- Obtaining permits for privately hired Legal armed security guards to protect and defend Conservative Poll Watchers who have jurisdiction and authority over poll officials and workers so the illegal practice of physical removing, locking out or keeping poll works at a far distance from actual.
- Meeting with and recording local Police Officials agreeing to cooperate with and protect all Conservative Poll Workers and not to impede with their Federally protected rights to be within inches of the Board Workers and allowed to handle and view any ballot at any time as requested, in addition to having the State and Local governments issue an order to their entire department and announced to the news media that they will cooperate with and protect the rights of all Conservative poll watchers.
- Court Approved actions and permits for what is allowed to take place in side polling centers by poll watchers. Ensure that Conservative Poll Watchers and Board workers are hired and equally represented in all major liberal cities and liberal swing states and counties.
- Make sure your County Board of Elections secures a transparent, strict and bi-partisan chain of custody for Absentee ballots, secure, limited and protected ballot boxes and limited mailing and acceptance of absentee ballots, with no mass mailing practices allowed.
- Make sure that your County Board of Elections is accountable and transparent regarding the companies and voting machines being utilized and the safeguards in place that protect corruption and illegal access to manipulation.
These are the most important issues we face as Americans in the upcoming 2024 elections and we must all do our part. Unfortunately, many Americans have become complacent, and while this was happening; corrupt politicians have started ignoring our laws, our Constitution and begun passing socialist legislation that is destroying our Nation. The marxist, socialist Democrats have a plan and an agenda, and they will not stop until they have completely taken away all our rights to Freedom; including our Freedom of Speech, our Right to Bear Arms, our Right to Free and Fair Elections and our Right to the pursuit of Happiness as Free Americans. These blatant and deliberate actions by this socialist regime, to have complete power and control, are being put into place right before our eyes. To Save America and Save Our Constitution and Save Our Freedoms for our Families and our Country, we are being forced to fight and we must stop this tyrannical siege of our Country. All Americans, of every walk of life, need to heed this warning and fight for what is right and good. One person can make a difference, and together we can stand united and indivisible.