Awakening The ‘Woke’
“They Know Not What They Do”

The ‘Woke’ generation is asleep at the wheel, and they do not realize, that supporting these Marxist ‘Utopia’ Socialist agendas, will lead to the destruction of THEIR LIVES. The entire concept behind Marxism, Socialism and the ‘Great Rest’ is to destroy everything that is good about America, and take away everyone’s Freedoms, and that includes the ‘Woke’ ideologues. Unfortunately, the ‘Woke’ have turned to evil and violence, ‘canceling’ anyone who speaks out against this totalitarian regime. The ‘Great Reset’ or ‘New World Order’ plan by the Socialist Democrats has taken many years to orchestrate, and now that they are in power, they are like hungry wolves as they go after their prey, (the Patriotic Freedom loving Americans), to devour any semblance of what America was founded on. Principles, morals, and values have been replaced by ‘Cancel Culture’, ‘Critical Race Theory’, Government Over-reach, and the calculated destruction of the middle class.
Conservatives have become so frustrated and angry by the bullying tactics, of the socialist Biden administration, big tech, ‘woke’ corporations, fake media, and small group of violent oppressors, that they are in shock. But what the socialist Democrats don’t realize is that Patriotic Americans in all walks of life have, at the core, have the strength and the will to FIGHT AGAINST OUR ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. If they think for one minute that Freedom loving Americans, will ‘go quietly into that good night’, they are sadly mistaken.
It is imperative that Conservatives continue to organize, strategize, and unite, but to also seize the opportunity whenever it’s safe to do so, to speak up and present the truth to any and all Americans who will reasonably consider what you have to say about how socialism really works and how it will affect their lives. Patriots must be keenly aware going forward, that completely everything the Fake Media is saying is a lie, that completely everything the Socialist Biden administration is saying is a lie. Evil has no conscience, and it is willing to destroy anything and anyone in its path, to obtain the power and control it seeks through its agendas. Conservatives must go on the offense and become the Trojan Horse of Justice. We must stand strong and united against the tyranny that threatens this great Nation that has been blessed by God.