Core Values, Morals And God Given Rights

Conservatives and Republicans come from all walks of life, and believe that all men are created equal and should be guided by a strong moral code. Faith and Freedom are at the core of Conservative Principles and the Republican Party, which are based on the fundamental truths of these ideals; and as stated in the US DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness’.
“Our Nation’s Founding Fathers were guided by a core set of principles when they laid down the framework for the Country” as quoted from The Heritage Foundation also describes Conservatism as follows: “…Conservatives may have differing viewpoints about some aspects of Conservatism, [however] there are certain fundamental principles where we must remain resolute. Conservative principles…create the greatest freedom, opportunity, prosperity and civil society for the American people…We realize that for these ideas to take hold, we have to counter the false narratives of left-leaning media outlets, educational institutions and politicians.”
Conservative Americans just want honest, forthright government representatives to follow the Constitution and the Rule of Law, who are guided by a decent moral compass and common sense, discerning what is right and wrong. Conservatives believe that all Americans have the God given right to live their lives free from government control, and not be forced into a tyrannical society, where they must be silenced and controlled. As long as they aren’t breaking the law, nor hurting anyone, they just want to be left alone. Conservatives are now in a fight they did not want, and being forced to fight back against our government; which is now comprised of a small group of socialist Democrats, who are drunk with power and want to control the Country and dictate the lives of all Americans under their marxist, communist agenda. The socialist liberal media continues to spew a false narrative in every aspect of our lives, and now America is in a state of chaos, where good is portrayed as evil. Evil is a smart adversary, which was foreseen by our Founding Fathers who liberated us from tyranny, and we must once again find the courage to fight for our Freedoms they fought and died for. Some of the core Principles of Conservative Republicans include:
Conservatives believe that Family, in whatever form that may be for each Family, is essential to providing structure and support in our lives, as well as guidance for our youth. Faith is also a key factor in acknowledging good from evil and right from wrong; and guiding one’s life in a direction of human kindness, compassion and love. Democrats see this as being weak, but Conservatives know that the foundation of Family and Faith is stronger than any socialist ideology could ever be.
Our Country was founded on the Conservative Principles of Freedom and our God given Liberties. The purpose of the United States Government and our Constitution is to secure these Rights and protect our Freedoms; and for our government to be run by the people and for the people, NOT by a tyrannical socialist Democrat regime. Some of these Freedoms include: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Pursue Happiness and the Freedom to Bear Arms and protect ourselves against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Conservative Republicans believe in Freedom, Socialists Democrats believe in Tyranny.
Conservative Republicans believe in a transparent government that is limited in size and scope, which is operated and controlled by the consent of American Citizens. Our Constitution provides important safeguards against government overreach and provides an important system of separations of powers, and checks and balances. Conservative Republicans agree that the U.S. Constitution provides for limited Federal government, affording more power to State and local governments. Unfortunately, there is a current climate of egregious overreach by state and municipal governments and judges, in socialist run blue Democratic States; who are deliberately disregarding and circumventing the law and the rights of U.S. Citizens. Conservative Republicans believe in a person’s right to privacy that allows an individual to communicate freely without being monitored by a massive tech company or the government.
Conservative Republicans also believe in limited taxation and that with a smaller government, this can be easily achieved. Another example of total disregard for balancing the budget and fiscal responsibility, is evident in the Biden’s administration’s latest attempts to pass, a 3.5 TRILLION dollar spending bill which would provide excessive taxation for generations to come, and put the United States in a catastrophic economic decline. In typical unethical fashion, the Democrats have obscurely added many of their socialist agendas in this 2500 page bill, such as amnesty and monetary compensation for millions of illegal immigrants, which will not only eliminate jobs, but will also result in additional taxes that U.S. Citizens will have to pay for.
We are a Nation of Laws, which has kept our Country safe and Free for the last 244 years. However, our Country is now in peril. Under the communist control of the Biden administration and the Socialist Democrats they believe that because they control the government, the media and the minds of millennials, they are above the law and are free to enforce tyranny on our Nation. Since has come into office, our Laws are being ignored and socialist Democrat policies are put into place by Executive order, while rogue liberal judges are freeing criminals and hunting down and illegally prosecuting Conservative Republicans.
All branches of government, both Federal and State, must be transparent and held accountable to impartially enforce our Constitution and the Rule of Law. Equal Justice under the law is the foundation of a Free and civilized society in America; and no Judicial branch should ever be allowed to exercise executive or legislative powers. Congress must also provide government and Rule of Law oversight, as required by the U.S. Constitution. Conservative Republicans will not stand idly by and allow the Socialist Democrats destroy our Country.
Socialism, Communism, and Marxism are all derived from one common belief, that the government has supreme power to regulate and control the lives of all people. Socialism, Communism and Marxism are the very opposite of everything America stands for. Socialism is Anti-Freedom, seeking to silence individuals and completely eliminate all of their basic human rights and liberties. Socialism requires all businesses, programs and currency to be Communist government run and owned, and for all of its citizens to be marked and controlled by a centralized system.
Under the Democratic socialist agenda, American citizens would become prisoners of this marxist society, being told when and where they could go, what they could eat and how they must live. The socialist Democratic party and the left wing media, continue to portray Conservative Republicans and American capitalism (Free market) as evil, racist and Anti-American, which could not be further from the truth. This is just another example of their blatant lies, that falsely paints a picture of good as evil and evil as good. Conservative Republicans will not be deceived. The American Dream and this Country was built on a capitalist society in a Free Market system, that provides all Americans the opportunity to live their lives Freely and run their own business as they want, without government control. Conservative Republicans believe in privately owned businesses and deregulation of government control. Power and greed are the evil forces driving the Democrat party, who no longer have a sense of what is right and what is wrong. These Communist Socialist Democrats currently control a huge part of our government, our media, our schools, and corporations; and if Conservative Republicans do not stop them, very soon our people will be controlled by them as well.
Honestly and truthfully, the difference is important to understand and it could not be clearer:
A Socialist, Communist, Marxist Democrat controlled government has the supreme power over all its people and eliminates all their Freedoms and Liberties.
A Conservative Republican government is run and owned by the people and for the people; which is built on a foundation of Conservative principles, morals and values in a Free Market, capitalist society where everyone is created equal, with the same basic Human Rights, Liberties and Freedom.
Conservative Republicans believe in a strong Military and ‘Peace Through Strength’. As the world looks to America for our moral leadership, and a super power with the strongest Military on Earth; it is essential to the safety and security of our Nation and our allies, that we maintain this strength. The United States government’s first obligation is to Defend and Protect our Homeland, as well as our strategic interests around the world. While having the strongest Military on Earth provides a deterrent to threats of terrorism, we must also be fully prepared and ready at any moment, to defeat our adversaries both here at home and abroad. With the most recent catastrophic failure of the Biden administration and some of our top military generals, the United States has found itself in a position of weakness like never before in our Nation’s history. With the clear betrayal and acts of treason in the Afghanistan withdrawal by this Socialist Democrat regime, American now has the worst standing in the world it has ever had. The Biden administration deliberately betrayed American Citizens, our Afghan allies and Military Dogs, by leaving them behind enemy lines; in addition to actually handing over a list of names of all American Citizens and Afghan Allies in Afghanistan directly to the Taliban (who are now being systematically hunted down, tortured and beheaded); and gifting the enemy, with over 85 BILLION dollars of new and the most advanced Military Equipment and Aircraft in the world. Conservatives in all parties and all walks of life are being called to action by these acts of treason and must unite to Save America and protect our Homeland.
The Socialist left-wing media continues to regurgitate a false narrative that all Conservative Republicans are racist and anti-immigration, which of course is the most outrageous lie and simply not true. In fact, Conservative Republicans are the most compassionate human beings on earth and have always been at the forefront of passing legislation to provide foreign aid around the world. Conservative Republicans continue to call out the Biden administration for causing horribly inhumane conditions at the southern border for these immigrants; as well as promoting the largest super spreader SARS2 (Covid) event in the world. Biden’s administration continues more treasonous acts, by refusing to enforce our Immigration Laws and tying the hands of our Border Patrol. Conservative Republicans understand that many of these immigrants simply want a better life for their family, but the problem is with Biden’s open border policy, hundreds of thousands of criminals, sex traffickers, drug cartels and terrorist from around the world are also flooding into our Country, un-vetted and unchecked. What kind of a Country will we have when these criminals and terrorists are allowed to continue to infiltrate our cities and putting our National Security at risk? The Socialist, Anti-American Biden regime has one purpose for this treasonous behavior and that is to maintain continuous power and government control. Joe Biden has never in his entire life, ever visited or walked along the southern border of our Country; and he continues to ignore this unmitigated disaster that threatens the safety and health of U.S. Citizens and the Country that he swore to protect and defend. Conservative Republicans believe in legal immigration; and for a civil society to continue to thrive and be a place where legal immigrants and their families would actually want to live, we must enforce our laws to protect our Country and those who wish to become Americans.
Conservative Republicans believe that we are all created equal and should treat one another with kindness and respect, “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32) Every human being is a child of God with a value and a worth, and should be treated with dignity; as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “[A person should]…not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Unfortunately, the Socialist Democrat party is using their political agenda to promote racism and once again divide this Country, but what they don’t realize is, that good always wins over evil, and Conservative Republicans will fight to preserve the goodness in America which is the foundation of our greatness.
Conservative Republicans believe in American Patriotism, which is the love for our Country and our Citizens, and supporting the Military who sacrifice so much for our Nation to remain Free. American Patriotism is the glue that unites us and means taking pride in our Country’s past, present and future. Patriotic Americans stand for the United States Flag, putting their hands over their hearts, while singing the National Anthem or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Being a Patriot means you believe in Freedom and Independence and are willing to fight to protect and defend your Family, your Country and your God given Rights. Unfortunately, we are living in a Country run by socialist Democrats who actually hate America, hate its history and despise Patriotism and our traditions. Their agenda is to destroy America from within, but again, they underestimate the strength of Patriotic Americans.
Conservative Republicans believe in Free and Fair Elections as afforded by our Constitution, where all Americans can make their voices heard, by voting into office representatives that will support their beliefs and run the Country for the people and by the people. While imperfect, we have laws in place that provide oversight and checks and balances. Unfortunately, in the 2020 Presidential Election, the entire Country witnessed the most egregious and widespread voter fraud and criminal activity ever perpetrated in our Nation’s history. Many say it was like watching a 3rd world country Dictatorship Election in real time. No one could believe that this could ever take place in America, and that those behind it could be so emboldened as to let it take place right before our eyes. Some of the things we witnessed in mostly key swing states include: City and State officials changing last minute voting rules without first receiving State Legislature approval which is required by law in every State; Illegally allowing Voting past legal deadlines; Vote counting to continue on for days and in some cases for weeks; Video tape of Voting districts shutting down Vote counting centers in the wee hours of the morning, followed by Video exposing these centers bringing in suit cases and garbage bags full of uncounted and unverified ballots at 3 and 4am in the morning; Video exposing these same centers being shut down and then employees returning to their counting stations and pulling plastic tubs of ballots out from under their tables that were covered by table cloths; Republican ballots being seized from cars of individuals and discarded in trash bins; Votes being counted from illegal immigrants and dead individuals; Duplicate ballots for Biden being counted and recounted through readmission into Voting machines; Blank absentee ballots being mailed out in mass quantities without absentee ballot request verification; No Ballot signature verification rules applied; Voting machines mal-functioning; Voting machines accessed by vote counters to manipulate the machines’ settings; Conservative Republican pole watchers not being allowed legal and verifiable access to view ballots and require signature verification, and in some cases, were expelled from the Vote counting centers all together; and the list goes on and on, but the most disheartening, is the fact that the Supreme Court refused to hear the Voter Fraud case brought by over 17 States. Our liberty and our elections are at stake. We must take back our Country and ensure Election Integrity.
“The federal government’s powers should be limited to only those named in the U.S. Constitution and exercised solely to protect the rights of its citizens… Judges should interpret and apply our laws and the Constitution based on their original meaning, not upon judges’ own personal and political predispositions…Individuals and families make the best decisions for themselves and their children about health, education, jobs and welfare…America is strongest when our policies protect our national interests, preserve our alliances of free peoples, vigorously counter threats to our security and interests, and advance prosperity through economic freedom at home and abroad… America must be a welcoming nation — one that promotes patriotic assimilation and is governed by laws that are fair, humane and enforced to protect its citizens…[We must] assure a more free and prosperous future for all Americans. If we don’t do that, and more Americans succumb to the false promises of the statists, we soon won’t recognize America. If ever there was a time we needed to be clear about our principles, it is now” as stated by the Heritage Foundation.